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ThermaData WiFi HTD Humidity Logger

ThermaData WiFi HTD Humidity Logger

SKU: 298-621
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  • simultaneously displays humidity & temperature
  • records up to a maximum of 18000 readings
  • LED display of high & low alarm status
  • programmable high/low alarms
  • FREE software with no ongoing or subscription charges
  • access recorded data worldwide via internet
  • optional UKAS certificates available

These ThermaData WiFi HTD humidity loggers measure and record both temperature and relative humidity (%rh) over the range of 0 to 50 °C and 0 to 100 %rh. At programmable intervals, the loggers will record simultaneously both temperature and humidity, recording up to a maximum of 18000 readings (9000 humidity and 9000 temperature).


The logger incorporates a large LCD that displays temperature and humidity from the internal sensors.


Each ThermaData WiFi humidity logger incorporates two LED's, a flashing green LED indicates that the logger is active/logging and a flashing red LED indicates that your customised preset alarms have been exceeded.


The humidity and temperature ThermaData WiFi loggers are suitable for a diverse range of applications which include HVAC climate monitoring, QA monitoring of storage areas etc.


ThermaData Studio Software:


The ThermaData Studio software has the ability to display up to 32 traces on a graph, the trace colours are user selectable. All files can be viewed as thumbnail icons for easy identification.


The software allows the user to programme the logging sample/interval rate (0.1 to 330 minutes), communication interval (sync) with PC, real-time clock, °C or °F and a manual start option. It is also possible to include a user ID for each logger.