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3101 Dry Well Heat - Cool Source Calibrator

3101 Dry Well Heat - Cool Source Calibrator

SKU: 271-401
Sales Tax Included
  • accepts a wide variety of probe diameters
  • ideal for checking accuracy of thermometers
  • built to order


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The 3101 dry-well temperature calibrator features an easy to read LED display with a temperature range of -10 to 110°C with a resolution of 0.1°C. Heating time, ambient to 100°C or cooling time, ambient to 0°C is 10 minutes.


The 3101 temperature calibrator is excellent for checking the calibration of a wide range of instrumentation including digital thermometers and temperature probes that need calibration checks, either below or above ambient temperature.


The unit incorporates two removable wells/inserts, both Ø13mm in diameter and will accept probe sizes Ø3.3, 4.1, 4.8, 6.4 and 9.6mm. Each 3101 is supplied with two inserts of the customer's choice.