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ThermaData TB Data Logger

ThermaData TB Data Logger

SKU: 295-001
Sales Tax Included
  • blind data logger with an internal NTC thermistor sensor
  • temperature range -40 to 85°C
  • records up to 4000 readings
  • IP67 waterproof case
  • optional UKAS 3 point certificate available
  • ThermaData® logger cradle (293-804) is sold seperately

The ThermaData TB data logger is a blind data logger with one internal NTC thermistor sensor that measures over the range of -40 to 85 °C and can record up to 4000 readings.


The ThermaData® logger TB data logger is housed in a waterproof, ergonomic case that is designed to meet IP66/67 protection.


The ThermaData logger Mk2 series consists of a comprehensive range of portable data-loggers utilising the latest in electronic technology.


The ThermaData logger Mk2 range offers the choice of either blind data-loggers or data-loggers with an LCD display. Other options include internal and external temperature sensors/probes. The external probes can be either fixed or detachable via a waterproof three-pin connector. The remote temperature probes are supplied with either a one, two or three metre (where stated) PVC/PFA (fixed) or PUR/PVC (detachable) lead.


Each logger incorporates a red and green LED, the flashing green LED indicates that the logger is active/logging and the flashing red LED indicates that your customised pre-set alarms have been exceeded. Communications are via a USB cradle that is supplied with the ThermaData Software. Please note: when ordering loggers it is necessary to order at least one ThermaData® logger cradle.


ThermaData® Studio PC software


The ThermaData logger is connected to a PC via a USB cradle. By selecting the relevant icon the data can be downloaded and displayed either as a graph, table or summary. The information can be analysed by zooming in, saving as Studio File or exporting as a text (.txt) or Excel (.xls) file to other software packages. The ThermaData Studio software incorporates several useful functions, including the ability to display two traces on a graph, the trace colours are user selectable. All files can be viewed as thumbnail icons for easy identification.