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ThermaData HTBF Humidity Temperature Logger

ThermaData HTBF Humidity Temperature Logger

SKU: 295-062
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  • records up to 16,000 readings
  • visual inspection shows if limits exceeded
  • dual function datalogger
  • optional 3-point (25, 50 & 75%rh) UKAS Certificate
  • preferential UKAS price ordered with logger
  • ThermaData® logger cradle (293-804) is sold seperately


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The HTBF humidity logger ThermaData® logger is a portable blind humidity logger that measures and record both relative humidity (% RH) and temperature over the range of -20 to 85°C and 0 to 100% RH.


At programmable intervals, the HTB humidity logger will record simultaneously both temperature and humidity, recording up to a maximum of 16,000 readings (8,000 humidity and 8,000 temperature). The ThermaData® HTBF blind humidity logger includes internal humidity and temperature sensors.


Each humidity logger incorporates a red and green LED, the flashing green LED indicates that the logger is active/logging and the flashing red LED indicates that your customised pre-set alarms have been exceeded. The humidity and temperature ThermaData loggers are suitable for a diverse range of applications which include HVAC climate monitoring, QA control or storage areas and many more. Please note: when ordering loggers it is necessary to order at least one ThermaData® logger cradle, which includes the software.


An optional 3-point (25, 50 & 75%rh) UKAS Humidity Calibration Certificate is available at a preferential price when purchased with these therma-hygrometers.


ThermaData® Studio PC software ThermaData Studio Software is compatible with all the ThermaData Logger models, including wireless. The software is both powerful yet user-friendly, enabling temperature data to be organised and analysed to provide management information.



The Humidity Sensors housed in these products are susceptible to contamination from pollutants such as solvents and exposure to saturated air and therefore are not covered under the 2 year warranty. Furthermore it is expected that the sensor’s readings will drift by up to 0.5% per year.