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Data Logger USB Cradle and Start Magnet

Data Logger USB Cradle and Start Magnet

SKU: 293-804
Sales Tax Included
  • data logger cradle or dock
  • supplied with ThermaData logger PC software
  • essential for all Mk2 ThermaData loggers
  • one metre PVC lead

This data logger cradle or dock is supplied complete with ThermaData Studio PC software and a start magnet. Each USB cradle is supplied with a one metre PVC lead.


The ThermaData logger is connected to a PC via the USB cradle. By clicking the relevant icon the data can be downloaded and displayed either as a graph, table or summary. The information can be analysed by zooming in, storing to disc or exporting as a text (.txt) file to other software packages.


ThermaData® Studio PC software


The ThermaData logger is connected to a PC via a USB cradle. By selecting the relevant icon the data can be downloaded and displayed either as a graph, table or summary. The information can be analysed by zooming in, saving as Studio File or exporting as a text (.txt) or Excel (.xls) file to other software packages. The ThermaData Studio software incorporates several useful functions, including the ability to display two traces on a graph, the trace colours are user selectable. All files can be viewed as thumbnail icons for easy identification.


The ThermaData Studio software will work equally with all ThermaData loggers. The software is both powerful and sophisticated, yet user-friendly enabling temperature data to be organised and analysed to provide management information. The software allows the user to programme the logging sample/interval rate (0.1 to 255 minutes), the real-time clock, °C or °F, delayed start (maximum 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds) or select a magnetic start option. It is also possible to include a 32-character user ID for each logger.


By selecting continuous logging in the software options, it is possible to start the ThermaData logger only once and never have to reset its parameters again, even if downloaded regularly. Unlike most low cost loggers, the ThermaData logger will continue recording during and after downloading the data. The ThermaData Studio software is supplied with each USB cradle. Please note: when initially ordering loggers it is necessary to order at least one ThermaData logger cradle.


The ThermaData Studio Software features the facility to send a SMS text message, up to four numbers simultaneously from your computer, when alarm limits have been exceeded. This allows the user to receive timely alarm information which may be critical to their business.

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