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8100 Plus pH Meter Kit

8100 Plus pH Meter Kit

SKU: 860-820
Sales Tax Included
  • a three-in-one instrument
  • robust waterproof case gives IP66/67 protection
  • manual / automatic temperature compensation
  • simple pH re-calibration
  • 2 year guarantee
  • the kit includes electrode and probe


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The 8100 Plus pH meter is a three-in-one instrument that features a large easy to read, LCD display that indicates pH over the range of -2 to 16 pH with a resolution of 0.01 pH, mV over the range of -1000 to 1000 mV and temperature over the range of -39.9 to 149.9 °C with a resolution of 0.1 °C. The LCD display features both low battery indication and an user selectable backlight.


The pH readings are either manually or automatically temperature compensated over the operating range of 0 to 80°C. To automatically compensate, it is necessary to utilise a thermistor temperature probe. Each unit incorporates an auto-power off facility that automatically turns the instrument off after ten minutes, maximising battery life.


The 8100 Plus has an integrated rubber seal to ensure complete water resistance and helps to reduce the possibility of damage in harsh environments.


At the touch of a button, the instrument will automatically re-calibrate (2-point autocal) itself when used in conjunction with pH buffer solutions.


Each unit incorporates an easy to use BNC connector and waterproof Lumberg screw-locking type connector, allowing a wide range of interchangeable thermistor probes to be used. The 8100 Plus pH price excludes electrode & probe.


In order to calibrate this 8100 Plus meter before use, pH7 buffer solution or capsules must be purchased alongside this instrument, plus either a pH4 or pH10 buffer solution or capsules depending on your application. Solutions not required for kit option as supplied with kit.


The kit includes:


• 1x 8100 Plus pH meter (225-085)

• 1x Temperature probe (170-100)

• 1x General purpose pH electrode (823-501)

• 1x 4.01 pH buffer solution (816-050)

• 1x 7.00 pH buffer solution (816-051)

• 1x Carrying case (830-080)